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The Reign of Civility: Unpacking Rishi Sunak's Promise to Crack Down on Anti Social Behavior

world News

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has pledged to crackdown on anti-social behaviour in the UK as part of his efforts to make the country a safer place. In a recent speech, he outlined plans to invest millions of pounds in police resources to combat the rise in anti-social behaviour incidents.The Chancellor's announcement comes after a string of high-profile incidents, including the murder of Sarah Everard and the subsequent protests in London. Mr. Sunak said that he was determined to make sure that everyone in the UK feels safe and secure, whether they are walking down

the street or in their own homes.Plan to Increase Police ResourcesAs part of his plan, Mr. Sunak announced that he will be increasing the number of police officers on the streets and investing in new technologies to help the police tackle crime more effectively. He also promised to provide additional support to victims of crime and to increase the sentences for those convicted of anti-social behaviour.The Chancellor's announcement has been welcomed by the police and by members of the public, who have expressed concern about the rise in anti-social behaviour incidents in recent

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years. However, some have raised concerns about the cost of the investment and the potential impact on civil liberties.Mixed ResponseCritics have argued that the government should be focusing on addressing the root causes of anti-social behaviour, such as poverty, mental health, and drug addiction, rather than simply increasing police resources. They have also warned that increasing police powers could lead to an erosion of civil liberties and an increase in police brutality.Despite these concerns, the Chancellor's announcement has been broadly welcomed by the public, who are increasingly concerned about the rise in crime

and anti-social behaviour in their communities. Many have praised Mr. Sunak for taking action to make the UK a safer place to live.The Chancellor's pledge to crackdown on anti-social behaviour is a welcome development that will help to make the UK a safer place to live. However, it is important that the government also addresses the root causes of anti-social behaviour and takes steps to protect civil liberties. With the right investment and support, it is possible to make a real difference in the fight against crime and anti-social behaviour in the UK.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan