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ISRO Launches OneWeb India 2 Mission with 36 Satellites

world News

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched its LVM3-M3 OneWeb India-2 mission with 36 satellites, marking its second launch of the year. The launch was carried out from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. The OneWeb Group Company, Network Access Associates Ltd of the United Kingdom, signed an agreement with ISRO's commercial arm, NewSpace India Ltd, to launch 72 satellites into low-Earth orbits (LEO). This is the second satellite deployment collaboration between the two organisations, the first of which took place on 23 October 2022.

OneWeb is a global communication network that provides connectivity for governments and businesses. The company, which has Bharti

Enterprises as a major investor, is implementing a constellation of low-Earth orbit satellites.

Countdown Commences for OneWeb India-2 Mission

In an announcement on Saturday, ISRO stated that the countdown had begun for the LVM3-M3/OneWeb India-2 mission. OneWeb announced that the launch would be its 18th and third this year, and that it would complete the first generation of the LEO constellation. According to OneWeb, with the launch of an additional 36 satellites on Sunday, it would reach 616 satellites in orbit, more than enough to launch global services later this year.

OneWeb Launches 36 Satellites in Partnership with ISRO

The launch of the OneWeb India-2 mission represents a significant

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for the two organisations. With the successful deployment of 36 satellites, OneWeb has moved closer to achieving its goal of providing global connectivity. The collaboration with ISRO has enabled OneWeb to leverage the agency's expertise and capabilities to launch its satellites into space.

The Future of Connectivity

The deployment of low-Earth orbit satellites has the potential to transform the way we access information and communicate with each other. With the deployment of OneWeb's constellation of satellites, remote and rural communities will have access to high-speed internet, enabling them to participate in the digital economy. This will have significant implications for economic growth and social development.

ISRO's partnership with

OneWeb represents a significant step towards achieving universal connectivity. The agency's expertise in satellite technology, coupled with OneWeb's global communication network, will enable the two organisations to provide high-quality, affordable connectivity to people across the world.


The launch of the LVM3-M3 OneWeb India-2 mission with 36 satellites marks a significant milestone in the collaboration between ISRO and OneWeb. With the successful deployment of the satellites, OneWeb is moving closer to achieving its goal of providing global connectivity. The partnership between the two organisations has the potential to transform the way we access information and communicate with each other, paving the way for economic growth and social development.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan