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Startup Scandal: Mega Event in Uttar Pradesh Exposed for Fake Claims and Deception

india News

A mega startup event, the Uttar Pradesh Investors Summit, held in Lucknow in 2018, has come under scrutiny after it was found that some of the companies that made big claims at the event were actually fraudulent. The event, which was aimed at promoting startups and attracting investment to the state, was attended by several high-profile investors and business leaders.

However, investigations have revealed that several of the startups that made presentations at the event had exaggerated or false claims about their products and services. Some of the startups had

even faked customer testimonials and photos to deceive investors.

One of the startups that made big claims at the event was a company that claimed to have developed a device that could convert air into water. The company claimed to have received several awards and had partnerships with major international companies. However, it was found that the device was actually a simple humidifier, and the company had no partnerships or awards to its credit.

Another startup claimed to have developed a revolutionary transportation system that could travel at high speeds without

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fuel or emissions. However, investigations revealed that the company had no prototype or proof of concept for the system and was relying on misleading computer-generated images.

Several other startups at the event made similarly exaggerated or false claims, prompting questions about the vetting process for companies that were allowed to participate in the event. Some of the startups were later found to have shut down or gone bankrupt, raising further questions about their legitimacy.

The revelations have led to calls for greater due diligence and transparency in startup funding and promotion

Investors have been warned to be cautious of companies that make big claims without providing adequate proof or evidence of their products or services.

The Uttar Pradesh Investors Summit has highlighted the need for greater scrutiny and transparency in startup promotion and funding events. Investors must exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before investing in any startup, particularly those that make exaggerated or false claims about their products or services. The case serves as a reminder to all investors to remain vigilant and do their homework before investing their money.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan