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Goa Horror: Dutch Tourist Molested and Stabbed, Hotel Staff in Custody

india News

A Dutch tourist was reportedly molested and stabbed by a hotel staff member in the popular tourist destination of Goa, India. The incident occurred on March 30th at a hotel in the Anjuna area, where the victim was staying.

According to police reports, the accused hotel staff member entered the victim's room and attempted to molest her. When she resisted and raised an alarm, the accused allegedly stabbed her multiple times with a sharp

object and fled the scene.

The victim was rushed to a nearby hospital where she is undergoing treatment for her injuries. The accused, identified as 21-year-old Manish Kumar, was later apprehended by the police and is currently in custody.

The incident has raised concerns over the safety of tourists in Goa, a popular tourist destination known for its beaches and nightlife. The state government has condemned the incident and assured that strict action will be

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against the accused.

Tourism is a major source of revenue for the state of Goa, with millions of domestic and international tourists visiting the state every year. Incidents of crime against tourists can have a negative impact on the state's tourism industry and tarnish its image as a safe and welcoming destination.

The incident has also highlighted the need for stricter safety measures and regulations to ensure the safety of tourists in Goa. The state

has announced plans to increase police patrols and install CCTV cameras in tourist areas to enhance safety and security.

The molestation and stabbing of a Dutch tourist in a hotel in Goa is a concerning incident that highlights the need for increased safety measures and regulations to protect tourists in the state. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of safety and security for the millions of tourists who visit Goa every year.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan