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Mr. Prime Minister, Why So Afraid? Rahul Gandhi Criticizes PM Modi on Adani

india News

New Delhi: The political landscape in India has been fraught with tension in recent times, with the opposition Congress party leveling allegations against the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its leader, Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The latest attack comes from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who has accused PM Modi of being connected to billionaire businessman Gautam Adani and investing public retirement money in Adani's companies.Gandhi's tweet, which has been translated from Hindi, reads, "LIC's capital, to Adani! SBI's capital, to Adani! EPFO's capital too, to Adani! Why is the public's retirement money being invested in Adani's companies even after 'Modani' is exposed? No investigation, no answer! Why so afraid, Mr Prime Minister?" This is not the first time Gandhi has targeted PM Modi and Adani, and the tweet has sparked a heated debate on social media.Telangana Youth Congress has also joined the fray, asking why the PM is trying

to save Adani so desperately. The group has accused the BJP of trying to subvert democratic voices in the country and pledged to fight for constitutional values and democracy. This follows disruptions in the Indian Parliament on Monday, when Congress party members protested against the expulsion of Rahul Gandhi from his parliamentary seat after he was convicted of defamation in PM Modi's home state of Gujarat.The allegations made by Gandhi and the Congress party against PM Modi and Adani are serious, and they have demanded an investigation into the matter. The BJP, however, has dismissed the allegations and accused the Congress party of playing politics.Adani is a prominent businessman in India and has close ties with the BJP. His companies are involved in various sectors, including infrastructure, energy, and defense. Adani has also been in the news recently for controversial projects, including the Carmichael coal mine in Australia and the

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of a new airport in Mumbai.The accusations made by the Congress party against PM Modi and Adani are not the first of their kind. The opposition has accused the ruling party of being too close to big business and of favoring certain companies over others. This has led to a growing mistrust of the government among the public, who are increasingly demanding accountability and transparency.The Indian government has also been criticized for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a surge in cases and deaths in the country. The government has been accused of downplaying the severity of the situation and not taking adequate measures to control the spread of the virus.The situation in India is complex, and there are no easy solutions. The country is grappling with a host of issues, including economic inequality, corruption, and religious tensions. The allegations made by the Congress party against

PM Modi and Adani are just one aspect of the larger political landscape in India.The Indian government must address the concerns of the public and ensure that the country's democracy and constitutional values are upheld. This requires transparency, accountability, and a commitment to the rule of law. It is only by working together that India can overcome its challenges and move forward as a nation.The allegations made by the Congress party against PM Modi and Adani are serious and require investigation. The government must ensure that public funds are being invested in a transparent and accountable manner and that the interests of the public are being protected. At the same time, the opposition must engage in constructive dialogue and work towards finding solutions to the challenges facing the country. It is only by working together that India can achieve its full potential and build a better future for all its citizens.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan