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BJP under fire as Congress starts protest at Rajghat over Rahul Gandhi's disqualification

india News

In a dramatic turn of events, Rahul Gandhi, the former President of the Indian National Congress, has been disqualified from holding public office for alleged corruption charges. The decision was made by the Election Commission of India and has sparked protests from the Congress Party, who are accusing the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of using underhanded tactics to eliminate their political opposition.In response to the disqualification, the Congress Party has started a protest at Rajghat, a memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, in the heart of New Delhi. The

protest is being led by senior Congress leaders, including Sonia Gandhi, and has drawn a large crowd of supporters.The Congress Party has accused the BJP of orchestrating the disqualification as part of a larger campaign to silence their political opponents. They claim that the charges against Rahul Gandhi are baseless and politically motivated, and that the Election Commission is acting at the behest of the BJP.The BJP has denied the allegations and has accused the Congress Party of playing politics. They have stated that the disqualification was a

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result of an impartial investigation and that Rahul Gandhi has been found guilty of corruption.The disqualification of Rahul Gandhi has come at a crucial time for the Congress Party, which is already struggling to maintain its position as the main opposition party in India. With the disqualification of one of its key leaders, the party is facing an uphill battle in the upcoming state and national elections.The protest at Rajghat is seen as a symbolic gesture by the Congress Party, which is attempting to rally its supporters and

show that it will not be intimidated by the BJP's tactics. The protest is expected to continue for several days, with Congress leaders addressing the crowd and calling for an end to the BJP's alleged campaign of political intimidation.The disqualification of Rahul Gandhi is just the latest in a series of controversies that have engulfed Indian politics in recent years. With tensions between the Congress Party and the BJP at an all-time high, it remains to be seen how this latest development will affect the political landscape in India.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan