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Breaking Barriers: All Women Republic Day Parade to Promote Gender Equality in the Military

india News

The Indian government is planning a revolutionary change to the annual Republic Day parade, with the aim of promoting gender equality and women's empowerment. According to government sources, the next year's Republic Day parade will showcase only women participants, including marching contingents, bands, tableaux, and performances. The decision is part of a broader effort to increase female representation in the military and other sectors, and the armed forces and government departments have been informed about the plan.

All-Women Parade for Republic Day 2024

An undisclosed high-ranking government official revealed that the upcoming Republic Day parade in 2024 will solely feature the participation of women, including contingents, tableaux, and performances. The ministries of

Home Affairs, Culture, and Urban Development have been informed about the decision and are currently devising strategies to implement it.

The annual Republic Day parade is held on January 26 at the Kartavya Path, formerly known as Rajpath, in central New Delhi. The parade is a grand spectacle that showcases India's cultural diversity, military prowess, and achievements. The event also commemorates the nation's freedom fighters and pays tribute to their sacrifices. The parade is widely watched on television by millions of Indians.

The decision to have an all-women parade is not entirely unexpected, as women's participation in the parade has been on the rise in recent years. In 2015, for the first

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each of the three services had an all-women contingent marching in the parade. As part of the Army's Daredevils team in 2019, Captain Shikha Surabhi achieved a historic feat by becoming the first female officer to perform a bike stunt. The following year, Captain Tania Shergill led an all-men contingent, making her the first woman officer to do so. Flight Lieutenant Bhawana Kanth made history in 2021 by becoming the first female fighter pilot to take part in the parade.

The decision to have an all-women parade is expected to send a strong message about the government's commitment to gender equality and women's empowerment. The move is likely to inspire more

to join the military and other sectors, and it is hoped that it will lead to greater opportunities for women to assume leadership roles.

In conclusion, the decision to have an all-women parade for Republic Day 2024 is a significant step towards promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in India. The event is expected to inspire more women to join the military and other sectors, and it is hoped that it will lead to greater opportunities for women to assume leadership roles. The Indian government's commitment to gender equality is admirable, and it is hoped that other countries will follow suit in promoting women's participation and empowerment in all areas of society.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan