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Amit Shah's shocking revelation on CBI pressure from UPA

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CBI Pressured Me to Frame Modi, Claims Amit Shah under Congress-led UPA Government

Amit Shah Reveals CBI's Alleged Pressure to Frame Modi in Fake Encounter Case

Union home minister Amit Shah recently made a shocking revelation at a media event that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had allegedly pressured him to frame the then Gujarat CM Narendra Modi in a fake encounter case during the Congress-led UPA government's rule at the Centre. The BJP leader's revelation has sparked a fresh controversy, with many questioning the Congress party's misuse of central agencies.

In his statement, Shah admitted that the CBI had put immense pressure on him to implicate Modi in the alleged fake encounter case. Amit Shah has claimed that during the Congress government's rule, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was pressuring him to falsely implicate Narendra Modi, At the time when the Congress government was in power, Amit Shah claims that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was pressurizing him to implicate Narendra Modi,

who served as the Chief Minister of Gujarat, in a case involving an alleged fake encounter. This revelation was made by the Home Minister at a media event, shedding light on the purported misuse of central agencies for political motives. Shah stated that he faced significant pressure from the CBI to frame Modi in the fake encounter case, however, the BJP did not create any uproar about this issue. The opposition parties have accused the Modi government of misusing central agencies to target their members, making this revelation all the more pertinent. Shah made this revelation at a recent media event, highlighting the alleged misuse of central agencies for political gain. The Home Minister disclosed that he faced immense pressure from the CBI to frame Modi in the fake encounter case, but the BJP did not create any uproar about this issue. This admission comes at a time when the opposition parties have accused the Modi government of misusing central agencies to target

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members. However, Shah also mentioned that the BJP had not raised any ruckus despite the alleged pressure from the CBI.

This revelation from the home minister comes at a time when the opposition parties are accusing the Narendra Modi-led government of misusing central agencies to target them. When questioned about the Opposition's claims, Shah clarified that it was the UPA government that had allegedly misused the CBI for political gains.

The BJP has been vehemently denying the opposition's allegations of central agency misuse. The party's stand has been that the opposition is trying to save the corrupt and is not letting the central agencies do their job. In response to the opposition's escalating protests against the alleged misuse of central agencies, Prime Minister Modi criticized them for initiating a campaign named "Bhrashtachari Bachao Abhiyan" to save the corrupt. The Prime Minister's comments came amid a growing chorus of voices from the opposition parties who have been targeting the government for its purported misuse of central

agencies for political gain. PM Modi's remarks on this issue indicate his displeasure with the opposition's allegations and suggest that the government does not plan to relent in its efforts to combat corruption.

As the opposition parties continue to put up a united front against the BJP, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's disqualification as an MP over a defamation conviction has added fuel to the fire. The opposition parties are now demanding that the Modi government stop misusing central agencies and focus on the country's pressing issues instead.

Amit Shah's revelation of alleged pressure from the CBI to frame Modi in a fake encounter case during the Congress-led UPA government's rule has raised questions about the Congress party's misuse of central agencies. The BJP has been denying the opposition's allegations of central agency misuse and has accused the opposition of trying to save the corrupt. With the political temperature rising in the country, it remains to be seen how the Modi government will respond to these allegations.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan