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Shashi Tharoor Lauds FM Sitharaman for Restoring Faith in Humanity

india News

New Delhi: Lok Sabha MP Shashi Tharoor recently thanked Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman for granting his request to exempt certain life-saving drugs required by a cancer patient from the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Tharoor hailed Sitharaman for restoring "faith in humanity" and recounted the rare occasion when two political rivals united for a noble cause.

The request for GST exemption came after a couple informed Tharoor that they could not afford the GST charge of ₹7 lakh on their daughter's cancer medication,

Dinutuximab Beta (Qarziba). This drug is currently imported at a price of ₹10 lakh per vial, making it unaffordable for most patients in need.

The Lok Sabha MP from Thiruvananthapuram expressed his concern for the welfare of the couple's daughter and emphasized the importance of timely and affordable healthcare for all.

In a heartwarming gesture, Sitharaman responded positively to Tharoor's request and granted the GST exemption for the life-saving medication. This act of compassion by the Finance Minister has been praised by many, including Tharoor

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himself, who took to social media to thank Sitharaman for her support.

The move by Sitharaman has been lauded by many, including Tharoor, as it highlights the importance of putting humanity before politics. The exemption of GST on life-saving drugs for cancer patients will go a long way in providing relief to those who are already burdened with the high cost of treatment.

It is important to note that cancer treatment in India is expensive and many patients struggle to afford the cost of medication,

especially life-saving drugs like Dinutuximab Beta. The exemption of GST on such drugs will help make cancer treatment more accessible to those who need it the most.

The gesture by Sitharaman to exempt GST on life-saving drugs for cancer patients is a welcome move and highlights the importance of putting humanity before politics. Tharoor's request to the Finance Minister and her subsequent action is an example of how political rivals can come together for a noble cause and make a difference in people's lives.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan