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41 Lakh Copies Pending Evaluation: Delayed Results for UP Board 2023

india News

The Uttar Pradesh Board of Secondary Education (UPBSE) is currently in the process of evaluating answer copies for the Class 10 and Class 12 board exams held in 2023. However, the board is facing a massive backlog, with over 41 lakh answer copies still left to be evaluated.

According to officials, the delay in evaluation is due to the high number of copies that need to be evaluated, as well as the shortage of teachers to evaluate them.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also made the evaluation process more challenging, with many teachers unable to come to the evaluation centers due to safety concerns.

The UPBSE has set up several evaluation centers across the state to speed up the process, but it is still likely to take several weeks to complete the evaluation of all the answer copies. The delay in evaluation is likely to impact the announcement of the board results, which were expected to

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be released by the end of May.

Students and parents are anxiously waiting for the results, as they play a crucial role in determining admission to higher education institutions. The delay in results is likely to cause anxiety and uncertainty for many students.

In the meantime, the UPBSE has assured students that it is doing everything possible to expedite the evaluation process and release the results as soon as possible. The board has also advised students to remain patient

and not to fall prey to rumors or fake news about the result dates.

The delay in the evaluation of answer copies for the UP board exams highlights the challenges faced by education systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the UPBSE is taking all necessary measures to expedite the evaluation process and release the results as soon as possible. Students are advised to remain patient and not to panic or believe in any rumors regarding the result dates.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan