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Canada migration fraud may be more extensive than initially believed

education News

A recent investigation into a Canadian migration racket has revealed that the scale of the operation may be much bigger than previously thought. The racket is believed to have helped hundreds of Indian nationals obtain fraudulent visas and work permits for Canada.According to reports, the racket involved a network of agents who would provide fake

documents and arrange fake job offers for their clients. The clients would then use these documents to obtain visas and work permits, which would allow them to enter Canada and work illegally.The investigation, which was carried out by the Canadian authorities, has led to the arrest of several individuals involved in the racket. However, it

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believed that many more individuals may be involved, and that the racket may be operating on a much larger scale than previously thought.The discovery of the racket highlights the need for greater vigilance and oversight when it comes to immigration processes. It is important for authorities to crack down on such illegal activities and ensure

the immigration system is not exploited for fraudulent purposes.The discovery of the Canadian migration racket is a cause for concern and underscores the need for greater vigilance in immigration processes. It is important for authorities to take swift action against those involved and to strengthen measures to prevent such activities from taking place in the future.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan