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Jefferies Predicts Bright Future for Sun Pharma After Recent Acquisition

business News

Jefferies, a leading financial services company, has predicted a healthy upside for shares of Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd, following the company's recent acquisition of a controlling stake in Tarsius Pharma Pvt. Ltd.

Sun Pharma, India's largest drug maker, recently acquired a 66.66% stake in Tarsius Pharma, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel treatments for ophthalmic disorders. The acquisition is expected to bolster Sun Pharma's position in the

ophthalmology market and drive long-term growth for the company.

Jefferies has stated that the acquisition is a positive development for Sun Pharma and is likely to drive significant upside for the company's shares. The firm has raised its target price for Sun Pharma's shares from Rs. 800 to Rs. 900, reflecting a potential upside of around 27% from current levels.

Jefferies has cited Sun Pharma's strong track record of acquisitions

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its focus on expanding its presence in high-growth markets as key reasons for the optimistic outlook. The firm has also noted that Sun Pharma's recent investments in R&D and product pipeline are likely to drive growth and create value for shareholders in the long run.

The acquisition of Tarsius Pharma is also expected to be a major boost for Sun Pharma's ophthalmology portfolio, which already includes leading products like

and Xelpros. The ophthalmology market is a high-growth segment, driven by the increasing prevalence of age-related eye disorders and the rising demand for innovative treatments.

Jefferies positive outlook on Sun Pharma's shares following the recent acquisition of a controlling stake in Tarsius Pharma is a promising development for the company and its investors. The acquisition is expected to drive long-term growth for Sun Pharma and create significant value for shareholders.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan