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ICICI Securities Sets Sights on 60 Billion Dollar Assets, to Double Wealth Team

business News

ICICI Securities, a leading financial services company in India, has announced its plans to double its wealth management team in the next three years. The company aims to manage around $60 billion in assets under management (AUM) by 2025.

The decision to expand the wealth management team comes as part of ICICI Securities' broader strategy to diversify its business and focus on high-margin businesses. The company

aims to leverage its existing client base and distribution network to expand its wealth management business.

ICICI Securities is one of the largest securities firms in India, with a strong presence in the retail brokerage and institutional equities businesses. The company has been expanding its wealth management business in recent years, with a focus on providing personalized investment advice and portfolio management services to high net

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worth individuals.

The company's decision to double its wealth management team is in line with the growing demand for wealth management services in India. The country's rapidly growing middle class and high net worth individuals are increasingly seeking professional investment advice and portfolio management services to help them achieve their financial goals.

ICICI Securities' expansion plans are also expected to create new job opportunities in the wealth

management sector, and provide a boost to the country's overall economic growth.

ICICI Securities' plans to double its wealth management team and manage $60 billion in assets under management by 2025 is a significant development in the financial services industry in India. The move is expected to help the company diversify its business and tap into the growing demand for wealth management services in the country.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan