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The Grim Future of US Banks: Wall Street Guru Predicts the Next Big Institution to Fall

world News

The potential collapse of Credit Suisse has become a topic of concern in the financial world after Wall Street analyst Robert Kiyosaki, who previously predicted the 2008 Lehman Brothers' collapse, claimed that it is the next bank at risk. Mr Kiyosaki explained that the bond market is much larger than the stock

market, and the US is facing serious trouble due to the weakening of the American dollar. He warned that the Fed is acting as both the firemen and the arson, and they will continue to print more money in an attempt to keep the market from sinking.Furthermore, Mr Kiyosaki advised investors to

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consider investing in silver and gold as a means of protecting their wealth during volatile markets. His prediction comes amid Credit Suisse's admission of a "material weakness" in its reporting procedures, which has caused further concern among investors. The bank, which is the world's eighth-largest investment bank, must address this issue promptly

to avoid any potential collapse. The financial markets are currently in a precarious state, with fears of contagion and instability mounting after the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. The world is watching closely to see how this situation unfolds and what it means for the future of global finance.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan