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The End of a Cold War: Iran and Saudi Arabia Agree to Renew Ties

world News

After a seven-year-long rift, Iran and Saudi Arabia are set to renew their diplomatic ties. The two nations have been at odds since 2016, when Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shia cleric, Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, which led to widespread protests in Iran. In response, Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic ties with Iran and imposed economic sanctions.The rift between the two nations has had serious implications for the region, with both nations supporting

opposing sides in various conflicts, including in Syria and Yemen. The tension between the two nations has also resulted in the expulsion of diplomats and the closure of borders.However, in recent weeks, there have been indications that the two nations are working towards mending their relations. In February 2021, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, in an interview with the Saudi-owned Al Arabiya TV, expressed his desire to have good relations

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Iran, saying that he wanted to have "good and distinguished relations with Iran."This was followed by a statement from Iran's foreign ministry spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, who said that Iran was open to talks with Saudi Arabia and that the two nations could work together to resolve their differences.The renewal of diplomatic ties between the two nations could have significant implications for the region. It could help reduce tensions in conflicts in which

the two nations have been involved, such as in Syria and Yemen. It could also have economic benefits, as Iran and Saudi Arabia are both major oil-producing nations.The renewal of diplomatic ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a positive development and could have significant implications for the region. It is hoped that the two nations will be able to resolve their differences and work towards promoting stability and prosperity in the region.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan