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The Dark Side of Homeownership: Fueling the Housing Crisis

world News

The Rising Housing Crisis: A National Concern - The concept of homeownership has long been hailed as the pathway to financial security, especially for the middle class. However, the repercussions of treating homeownership as a "smart investment" have become glaringly evident, contributing to the ongoing housing crisis and exacerbating wealth inequality.

The Canadian Housing Crisis: A Deepening Predicament

After years of stagnant incomes and relentless house price growth, Canadians from coast to coast are sounding the alarm on the escalating housing crisis. While Ontario and British Columbia have grappled with this issue for an extended period, even the Prairie provinces are now experiencing soaring house prices, leaving few pockets of affordability.

Adding to the dilemma is the simultaneous rise in rental rates, creating a bottleneck in the rental market. This leaves a significant portion of Canadian tenants vulnerable to market fluctuations and landlord decisions. A recent report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) reveals that one-bedroom rental rates across Canada exceed what minimum-wage earners can reasonably afford.

A Simple Solution: Building for Demand

Some argue that the solution is straightforward: construct more housing units to meet the surging demand. Canada's National Housing Strategy aims to build approximately six million homes, including 3.5 million affordable units,

by 2030. However, the strategy primarily focuses on funding nonmarket housing for specialized needs and incentivizing developers to produce more market rentals. This approach largely leaves the task of creating 1.2 million units for low- and moderate-income Canadians to the free market.

Beyond Supply and Demand: The Real Housing Problem

Addressing the housing crisis effectively requires acknowledging a significant underlying issue: asset-based welfare.

The Rise of Asset-Based Welfare

Asset-based welfare, a neoliberal alternative to traditional welfare systems, places the responsibility for healthcare, education, and housing spending on individuals rather than governments. This shift occurred in Canada during the mid-1990s, leading to reductions in housing support and reinforcing homeownership as a societal cornerstone.

Advocates argue that promoting asset accumulation, such as savings, investments, or property ownership, enhances overall well-being. Real estate, in particular, is seen as a prime investment accessible to the middle class. Policies, such as tax breaks for homeowners and down payment assistance programs, aim to incentivize homeownership.

The Allure of Homeownership

Between 1996 and 2021, the number of Canadian homeowners increased by 45%, reaching approximately 66.5% of all households. Homeownership became synonymous with financial stability, and any actions that might reduce house prices were deemed politically unviable.

Unintended Consequences: Exacerbating Wealth Inequality

However, recent evidence suggests that

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the rise in homeownership is contributing to wealth inequality. A TD Bank study reveals that the wealth gap between homeowners and renters has grown, with homeowners possessing 6.3 times more wealth. The perception of homeownership as an equalizing force stems from past decades of stable employment, reasonable wages, and low interest rates – conditions that have now evolved.

The Impact of Rising Prices

Since 2015, Canada's price-to-income ratio has surged, surpassing other G7 nations. This increase has led to growing household debt, impacting both renters and homeowners with mortgages. As interest rates rise, Canadians are turning to "mortgage helpers," like garden and basement suites, further concentrating wealth.

The Complex Interplay

"Their futures rely on investing in assets that often act against their actual material interests to have a house they can afford that’s of decent quality," notes Danielle Kerrigan, a graduate researcher at McGill University. It's a convoluted system, akin to a snake devouring its own tail.

Political Hesitation and Economic Interests

The reluctance to address housing issues swiftly may be attributed to larger economic interests. Government intervention to curb price growth could upset various stakeholders, including realtors, developers, banks, and pension funds. Approximately one-third of all Canadian homes are owned by individual or institutional investors, with

financial firms controlling 20% of rental housing.

Financialized Landlords and Tenant Disparities

The prominence of financialized landlords, who often have more influence and resources than the average homeowner, is a significant concern. Their lobbying efforts against tenant protections and the belief that government should have no role in housing perpetuate the grip of landlords over the private rental market.

The Need for Nonmarket Housing

To combat the housing crisis, Canadians need to consider alternatives. Research indicates that the best housing outcomes come from a significant percentage of nonmarket and social housing, combined with extensive regulation of the private rental market.

A Historical Precedent: Investing in Housing

Historically, Canada actively supported low-cost housing production, including social, nonprofit, and cooperative housing. Between 1946 and 1993, substantial funding and direct loans were provided by the federal government, resulting in the creation of about half a million homes. This approach successfully housed half of the country's low-income population.

A Call for Change

The current underfunding of nonmarket housing makes it challenging to implement similar strategies today. However, it's time for Canadians to question the existing housing paradigm and advocate for better housing options. Tenant unions and organized efforts can lead the way toward a more inclusive and sustainable housing future for all.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan