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The Beijing Moscow Axis: Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin's High Level Meeting

world News

China's President Xi Jinping and Russia's President Vladimir Putin held a high-level meeting in Moscow, cementing the alliance between the two superpowers. The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepen ties, despite the ongoing tension with the West.During their talks, Jinping and Putin discussed several issues, including strengthening economic and military cooperation, energy partnerships, and regional security. Jinping emphasized that China-Russia relations are at an all-time high and underscored

the importance of their strategic partnership.On the other hand, Putin praised China's efforts in combating the COVID-19 pandemic and highlighted the joint efforts between the two countries to develop vaccines. He also noted that the two countries' collaboration is crucial to maintain global stability and address international challenges.The leaders also signed a joint statement outlining the expansion of their partnership and cooperation in various fields, including science and

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technology, space exploration, and the Arctic region. Additionally, they discussed enhancing their ties within the framework of multilateral organizations such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.The meeting comes amid increasing tensions between China, Russia, and the United States, with both Beijing and Moscow facing criticism over human rights abuses and geopolitical assertiveness. The two countries' partnership is seen as a counterbalance to the Western-led world

order and a means to assert their influence on the global stage.The Beijing-Moscow axis is a significant development in the evolving global geopolitical landscape, with the meeting between Jinping and Putin representing a strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two superpowers. With China and Russia seeking to assert their influence on the international stage, their alliance will undoubtedly continue to have far-reaching implications for global politics and economics.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan