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Pakistan Slashes Petrol and Diesel Prices by up to 30 Rupee per Litre

world News

In a bid to provide relief to the people of Pakistan, the government has taken a significant step by reducing petrol and diesel prices by up to ₹30 per litre. This decision comes amidst the country's financial challenges and aims to pass on the benefits of declining international petroleum prices to the common citizens. The revised prices will come into effect from May 16, providing some respite to consumers who have been grappling with rising inflation and a weakened currency.

This recent reduction in oil prices is not the first of its kind in Pakistan. Earlier this month, the government had already taken measures to lower

the prices for the first half of May 2023. The latest announcement further demonstrates the government's commitment to mitigating the impact of increasing prices on the population.

The official Twitter account of the Pakistan government's revenue division, pkrevenue, confirmed the news, stating, "Big relief for the public! The Government of Pakistan has announced a significant reduction in the prices of high-speed diesel (HSD) by Rs5 per liter, light diesel oil (LDO) by Rs10 per liter, and kerosene oil by Rs10 per liter for the next 15 days. Petrol prices remain unchanged."

The continuous rise in petroleum product prices since 2022 has posed considerable challenges for Pakistan. Struggling

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secure a staff-level agreement (SLA) for the resumption of an IMF bailout, the government has faced the daunting task of managing sky-high inflation, a weakening currency, and a slowdown in economic activity. These factors have placed a heavy burden on the citizens, making the recent reduction in fuel prices a much-needed relief for the common people.

Adding to the government's mounting troubles, the IMF recently requested Pakistan to arrange fresh loans worth USD 8 billion to support external debt repayments in the next seven months. This request comes in the context of the long-stalled ninth review bailout package. However, Pakistani Finance Minister Ishaq Dar clarified that

country would not make any hasty decisions regarding the IMF's demands. He emphasized that the decision to sign a staff-level agreement ultimately rested with the IMF.

In conclusion, the Pakistani government's decision to reduce petrol and diesel prices by up to ₹30 per litre is a welcome move for the citizens. This action demonstrates the government's intent to alleviate the financial burden on the people and pass on the benefits of falling international oil prices. While challenges persist in the form of inflation, a weakened currency, and negotiations with the IMF, this step provides temporary relief and fosters hope for a more stable economic future in Pakistan.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan