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Nithyananda's Press Secretary Breaks Silence on Kailasa

world News

Rajiv Malhotra, the Press Secretary of the self-styled godman Nithyananda's Kailasa, has recently spoken out on a range of issues, including rape accusations and the drafting of a new constitution for the so-called "Hindu homeland."Malhotra dismissed allegations of sexual assault against Nithyananda, who fled India in 2018 after being charged with rape, claiming that they were part of a "conspiracy" by Indian authorities to discredit the guru. He also denied that Kailasa was a "cult," arguing that it was a "legitimate religious organization."Malhotra also revealed that Kailasa was in the process of drafting a constitution, which he said would be

based on Hindu principles and tailored to the needs of Kailasa's followers. He claimed that the constitution would be "democratic" and that it would guarantee basic rights and freedoms for all Kailasa citizens.However, critics have expressed concern that the constitution could be used to justify authoritarian practices and human rights abuses. Some have also questioned the legitimacy of Kailasa as a sovereign state, noting that it has not been recognized by any other country.In response, Malhotra argued that Kailasa was a "de facto" state with its own legal and administrative systems. He also emphasized that Kailasa was committed to promoting

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Hindu culture and values, including vegetarianism, yoga, and meditation.Despite these claims, Kailasa has faced criticism for its alleged mistreatment of its members, including claims of forced labor and financial exploitation. Some former members have also accused Nithyananda of engaging in abusive behavior and promoting a culture of fear and intimidation.Malhotra acknowledged that Kailasa had faced "challenges" in the past, but argued that these were the result of "misunderstandings" and "malicious propaganda" from outside critics.Kailasa has a controversial history, with allegations of sexual assault, financial impropriety, and abuse surrounding its founder Nithyananda. The organization has also faced criticism for its purported

attempts to create a Hindu homeland and for its unconventional approach to religious practice.Despite these controversies, Kailasa continues to operate and attract followers from around the world. The organization's supporters argue that it provides a unique and valuable spiritual community, while critics contend that it is a dangerous and exploitative cult.As Kailasa continues to grow and evolve, its future remains uncertain. Whether it will be recognized as a legitimate state or condemned as a rogue entity remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain: Kailasa will continue to be a lightning rod for controversy and debate for years to come.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan