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Iranian actresses face legal action for not wearing hijab

world News

Tehran, Iran News: In Iran, the mandatory hijab laws have been a contentious issue for decades, with many women pushing back against the government's attempt to control their bodies and their freedom to choose what to wear. Recently, two renowned actresses in Iran, Katayoun Riahi and Pantea Bahram, were charged with not wearing headscarves, in violation of the country's mandatory hijab laws. The charges were brought by Tehran police, who accused the actresses of "removing their hijab in public and publishing its images in the virtual space." The actresses could potentially face fines or prison terms if prosecuted.


crackdown on women violating the mandatory hijab laws has intensified in recent weeks, with police chief Ahmadreza Radan promising to "seriously" deal with violators. Authorities have announced the closure of dozens of businesses, including the sprawling Opal Shopping Centre in western Tehran, where young women without headscarves have become commonplace. Restaurants owned by celebrities, including actors and footballers, have also received warnings and could face closures.

The government has also boosted efforts to promote hijab as an Islamic and family virtue, with countless banners across Tehran featuring images of young daughters and their mothers wearing the hijab that is

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by the authorities. However, many women continue to push back against the mandatory hijab laws, with a growing number of them abandoning their hijabs in public places and on social media.

The crackdown on women violating the mandatory hijab laws has sparked outrage and condemnation from activists and human rights groups around the world. They argue that the mandatory hijab laws are a violation of women's rights and that women should be free to choose what they wear. The ongoing protests against the mandatory hijab laws in Iran have highlighted the deep divisions within Iranian society and the government's

increasingly authoritarian tactics to suppress dissent.

The issue of the mandatory hijab laws in Iran is complex and multifaceted, with religious, cultural, and political dimensions. While some argue that the mandatory hijab laws are necessary to maintain Islamic values and preserve the country's culture, others argue that they are a form of oppression and a violation of women's rights. The ongoing debate over the mandatory hijab laws in Iran is likely to continue for many years to come, as women continue to fight for their right to choose what to wear and for greater freedom and equality in Iranian society.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan