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Meta Fined 1.3 Billion dollars by EU for Violating User Data Privacy Regulations

technologies News

In a significant blow to Facebook owner Meta Platforms Inc., the European Union's privacy regulators have imposed a historic fine of $1.3 billion. This penalty was imposed due to Meta's unauthorized transfer of user data to the United States, which disregarded the risks posed to the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals whose data was being transmitted across the Atlantic. The Irish Data Protection Commission, acting on behalf of the European Union, announced this ruling, along with a fine of 1.2 billion euros, making it the largest privacy penalty ever issued, surpassing the previous 746 million euro fine imposed on Inc.

Despite this substantial fine, Meta assured its users that there would be no disruptions to access Facebook in Europe. However, the Irish Data Protection Commission has mandated Meta to suspend any future transfers of personal

data to the US within five months. Furthermore, Meta has been given six months to cease the unlawful processing and storage of transferred personal EU data in the US. These strict measures aim to safeguard the privacy and data protection rights of European citizens.

In response to the judgement, Meta announced its intention to appeal the Irish Data Protection Commission's data transfer ruling, including the unjustified and unnecessary fine. The social media giant also revealed plans to seek a stay of orders through the courts. This legal battle highlights the ongoing struggles faced by major corporations caught in the crosshairs of privacy concerns and regulatory frameworks.

This recent judgement is another chapter in the long-running saga of legal challenges faced by tech giants. In 2020, the EU's highest court invalidated an EU-US data transfer agreement, citing concerns about

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the safety of citizens' data once it reached US servers. The court's doubts regarding American data protection led to an order from the Irish authority, prohibiting Facebook from transferring data to the US through alternative contractual clauses as well.

While the ban on data transfers by Meta was anticipated, the impact has been softened by the transition phase provided in the decision, coupled with the possibility of a new EU-US data flows agreement, which could come into effect as early as mid-year. EU regulators unveiled proposals in December to replace the defunct "Privacy Shield" pact, following negotiations with the US. These discussions resulted in an executive order by President Joe Biden and commitments from the US to ensure the safety of EU citizens' data during transatlantic transfers.

The timing of Meta's fine coincides with the fifth anniversary of

the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), considered the global standard for privacy regulations. Since May 2018, EU regulators have had the authority to impose fines of up to 4% of a company's annual revenue for severe violations. Overnight, the Irish Data Protection Commission emerged as the lead privacy regulator for major tech firms with an EU presence, such as Meta and Apple Inc.

As the world becomes increasingly digital, data privacy continues to be a paramount concern. Regulators and companies alike are grappling with the complexities of protecting personal information while enabling the free flow of data for essential services. The Meta fine serves as a stark reminder that privacy violations can result in severe consequences, emphasizing the need for robust safeguards and accountability measures to ensure the protection of individuals' fundamental rights in the digital age.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan