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Allies Unite: Disapproval of America's Tech War on China

technologies News

Allies of America Express Discontent Over Its Tech War on China

America's aggressive stance against China's technological advancement is not being well-received by its Asian allies. The Biden administration has passed several bills and acts aimed at reducing China's influence in the technology sector, including the Chips and Science Act, which provides $52 billion in incentives for American semiconductor manufacturing. The Inflation Reduction Act, passed in the same month, offers subsidies to electric vehicles made in America to bring back supply chains from China. In October, the administration announced restrictions on tech exports, limiting Chinese companies' access to advanced semiconductors made with American equipment or know-how, all in a bid to slow down

China's growth.

However, these moves are causing concern among America's allies in Asia. Countries like South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, which are heavily reliant on semiconductor exports, fear that the restrictions on tech exports to China will hurt their economies. These countries are also worried that America's actions could force them to pick sides between the two superpowers, a move they are not willing to make.

In addition to these economic concerns, there are also geopolitical implications to consider. The tech war between America and China could exacerbate tensions in the South China Sea, where China has territorial disputes with several of its neighbors. America's pushback against China's rise could also force China to

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become more aggressive in the region and beyond, potentially destabilizing the entire region.

Moreover, the restrictions on tech exports could lead to a global shortage of semiconductors, which are essential components in many electronics, from smartphones to cars. This shortage could lead to higher prices for consumers and slower economic growth, as companies struggle to obtain the necessary components for their products.

In response to America's actions, China has ramped up its efforts to develop its domestic semiconductor industry, investing heavily in research and development. The country has also encouraged its companies to reduce their reliance on American technology and to develop their own indigenous technologies.

As the world watches this technological cold war between

America and China, it remains to be seen how it will play out. The Biden administration's actions have drawn criticism from its Asian allies, who fear the economic and geopolitical repercussions of this tech war. On the other hand, the US government believes that its actions are necessary to control China's rise and protect its national security interests.

The tech war between America and China is a complex issue that has far-reaching implications for the global economy and geopolitical stability. As the world grapples with the fallout from this conflict, it is essential to find a way to balance economic and security concerns to ensure that all parties benefit in the long run.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan