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Opposition slams Himanta Biswa Sarma's plan to close all madrasas

politics News

Himanta Biswa Sarma, the Chief Minister of the Indian state of Assam, has drawn criticism from opposition parties after announcing his intention to shut down all madrasas (Islamic religious schools) in the state. Sarma claims that the move is necessary to promote secular education and prevent the spread

of radicalism.Opposition parties have criticized the move, arguing that it is discriminatory and goes against the principles of religious freedom. They have also accused Sarma of trying to polarize society for political gain.The move comes amid a wider debate in India over the role of madrasas in society.

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Some have accused them of promoting extremist views and indoctrinating young people, while others argue that they play a valuable role in providing religious education and preserving cultural traditions.Critics of Sarma's plan have called for a more nuanced approach, which would address any legitimate concerns about radicalization while

also respecting the rights of religious minorities.The controversy over Sarma's plan to shut down madrasas in Assam highlights the complex issues surrounding religious education and secularism in India. It is important for authorities to take a balanced and inclusive approach that respects the rights and values of all communities.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan