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Lawrence Bishnoi's influence casts a shadow over Moosewala's 'Barsi'; Congress aims to target Mann Sarkar

politics News

The upcoming 'Barsi' ceremony of Punjabi singer Moosewala is overshadowed by the specter of Lawrence Bishnoi, a notorious gangster. Moosewala has been accused of promoting violence in his songs, and Bishnoi has reportedly issued a threat against the singer, warning him not to perform at the event.The situation has become politically charged, with the Congress party

seeking to corner the Mann Sarkar over the issue. The Congress has accused the state government of failing to take action against Moosewala and other singers who promote violence in their songs.The police have reportedly provided security to Moosewala and the venue of the 'Barsi' ceremony to prevent any untoward incidents. The organizers of the event

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have also assured that they will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the attendees.The issue of singers promoting violence in their songs has been a contentious one in Punjab for some time now. The state government has been criticized for not taking strict action against such singers, and there have been calls for

stricter regulations on the content of songs.The upcoming 'Barsi' ceremony of Moosewala is being overshadowed by the threat from Lawrence Bishnoi, and the situation has become politically charged. The issue of singers promoting violence in their songs is a contentious one in Punjab, and there have been calls for stricter regulations on the content of songs.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan