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Unparliamentary Behavior: Kerala MLAs Physically Carried Out of Assembly During Protest

india News

Chaos erupted at the Kerala Assembly when Opposition MLAs staged a protest outside the Speaker's office, with security guards lifting and removing the legislators from the building. Shocking visuals showed Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) MLAs lying on the ground and refusing to budge as they were forcibly removed.According to V D Satheesan, Leader of Opposition in

the Assembly, four MLAs were injured in the face-off, and the democratic rights of the Opposition were being continuously denied in the House. He alleged that the Speaker was functioning in a biased manner under pressure from Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who was afraid of questions and wanted to wind up the ongoing session quickly.The MLAs were

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after an adjournment motion to discuss the safety of women was not accepted, and a similar motion to discuss police action against Congress councillors protesting over the Kochi dumpyard fire was not taken up the previous day.When the Speaker announced that the notice for an adjournment motion could not be taken up, Opposition MLAs started raising slogans

and waving banners, and then walked out of the House and marched to the Speaker's office. Watch and Ward staff, who manage security in the legislature, blocked their path, and marshals stopped them as they tried to move forward.The incident has sparked outrage and calls for an independent investigation into the use of force against the protesting MLAs.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan