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Mumbai residents face higher electricity prices starting today

india News

Mumbai News: Starting from today (1 April), Mumbai residents will see an increase in electricity prices ranging from 5-10%, as approved by the Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC). This hike comes as a disappointment to MSEDCL users, who already pay the highest tariffs and can expect a further 6% increase in both 2023-24 and 2024-25.

Users who rely on BEST, which currently offers some of the cheapest electricity rates, will also face price hikes. Specifically, there will be a 6.19% increase in 2023-24 and a further 6.7% increase in 2024-25. Meanwhile, Adani Electricity residential users will

experience a 5% and 2% increase in tariffs, respectively. Tata Power, which previously provided the cheapest tariff for users consuming 0-100 units of electricity, has announced a price hike of 10% in 2023-24 and 21% in 2024-25. The Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) has stated that the increase was necessary to offset rising expenses and ensure a reliable electricity supply.

In a separate move, MERC has rationalised the tariff for electric vehicle charging, setting it at ₹7.25 per unit for power utilities. This is aimed at promoting the use of electric vehicles and making the charging process affordable.

The state of Himachal

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Pradesh has recently announced an increase in electricity tariffs by 22 paise per unit, applicable to all categories except domestic consumers in the 1 to 125 unit slabs. The average cost per unit has now risen to ₹5.82, and the average tariff hike is 4%. However, the commission has approved a 3% rebate on energy charges for consumers using prepaid metering facilities. New industries and expanding industries will receive a 15% rebate, while agriculturists will be charged a subsidised tariff of 30 paise per unit. Domestic consumers in the 1-125 unit bracket will not be charged anything.

For those in the

126-300 unit slab, the subsidised rate will be ₹4.17 per unit, and above 300, the subsidised rate will be ₹5.22 per unit. The changes in electricity tariffs aim to provide affordable electricity to all sectors while ensuring the sustainability of the electricity supply chain.

The hike in Mumbai's electricity prices has come as a disappointment to many, as it will cause an increase in daily expenses. However, it was necessary to offset rising expenses and ensure reliable electricity supply. The rationalisation of electric vehicle charging tariffs and changes in Himachal Pradesh's electricity tariffs aim to promote affordable electricity use across sectors.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan