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Controversial Comments and Consequences: Analyzing Maha CM's Response to the Savarkar Remark

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Rahul Gandhi to Face Second Defamation Case Over Comments on Savarkar: Maharashtra CM Demands ActionMaharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has called for action to be taken against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who is set to face a second defamation case after making remarks about late Hindutva ideologue Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Speaking in the state assembly, Shinde accused Gandhi of defaming Savarkar, who he described as an idol for the whole country. The Congress leader's comments had sparked protests from ruling party legislators, who hit his poster with chappals.Maharashtra CM Bristles Over Gandhi's Comments on SavarkarThe pandemonium in the state assembly on Friday reflected the ongoing controversy

over Gandhi's four-month-old remarks about Savarkar, which have already resulted in a defamation case being filed against him. The Congress leader had alleged that Savarkar had begged for mercy from the British, a claim that has been fiercely disputed by his supporters. Gandhi's comments have drawn widespread criticism, with some accusing him of insulting a national icon.Shinde Accuses Gandhi of Defaming National IdolIn his speech, Shinde argued that Savarkar was not only an icon in Maharashtra but also an idol for the entire country. He accused Gandhi of defaming the Hindutva ideologue and called for action to be taken against the former Lok Sabha member. The

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came after ruling party legislators had protested against Gandhi's posters, hitting them with chappals.Gandhi Faces Second Defamation CaseThe controversy over Gandhi's remarks has continued to simmer, with a second defamation case now set to be filed against him. The Congress leader has yet to comment on the latest development, but his earlier remarks have been defended by some members of his party. The case is likely to further strain relations between the Congress and the ruling party in Maharashtra.Savarkar Controversy Continues to Divide OpinionThe controversy over Savarkar's legacy has been a divisive issue in Indian politics for decades. While his supporters view him as a freedom

fighter and nationalist icon, his critics accuse him of promoting a divisive brand of Hindutva politics. The ongoing controversy over Gandhi's remarks has only served to intensify this debate, with both sides accusing the other of playing politics.The ongoing controversy over Rahul Gandhi's comments on Savarkar shows no signs of abating, with a second defamation case now set to be filed against him. The remarks have sparked protests and heated debates in the state assembly, reflecting the deep divisions that exist over the legacy of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. The fallout from this controversy is likely to continue to reverberate in Indian politics for some time to come.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan