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Breaking News: Mukhtar Ansari convicted in BJP MLA's murder case, sentenced to 10 years

india News

Jailed mafia don Mukhtar Ansari has been convicted in a kidnapping and murder case related to the killing of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Krishnanand Rai. An MP MLA court in Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, sentenced Ansari to ten years in prison and a fine of ₹5 lakh. Ansari appeared virtually before the court for the verdict. The case was related to the killing of Rai, who was murdered in Ghazipur in 2005, allegedly by Ansari and his brother Afzal Ansari.

Security was heightened ahead of the verdict, which Alka Rai, the wife of the

late BJP MLA, described as the end of the rule of mafias and goondas in Uttar Pradesh. She expressed faith in the judiciary, and the court's decision to convict Ansari brings some closure to a long-standing case.

Ansari was recently implicated in a murder case related to the 2001 'Usri Chatti' gang war, and was charged under section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The case was filed at the PS Mohammadabad in Ghazipur by the police.

In January, the Allahabad High Court dismissed the Ghazipur MP/MLA Court's order, which allowed Ansari to be

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kept in a superior-class jail in Banda. According to the court, the special court's order was invalid, and Bahubali Ansari, a criminal, did not have the legal right to be kept in a higher-class jail.

Ansari and his associate Bhim Singh were convicted by the Gangster Court in Ghazipur in December 2021. They were found guilty in five different cases, which included the killing of constable Raghuvansh Singh and a brutal assault on an additional Superintendent of Police in Ghazipur.

Mukhtar Ansari has a long history of involvement in criminal activities, ranging from extortion to

murder. The Lucknow bench of Allahabad High Court found him guilty in September 2021 for threatening jailer SK Awasthi and even pointing a pistol at him. In addition, Ansari was sentenced to five years in jail in a case registered under the Gangster Act back in 1999.

The conviction and sentencing of Mukhtar Ansari in the BJP MLA's murder case are a significant development in the fight against organized crime and political violence. The verdict sends a strong message that criminals will not be able to evade the law and justice will be served


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan