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Bihar :The Cost of Misinformation: The Fall of the Bihar YouTuber Who Shared Fake Videos of Attacks on Migrants in Tamil Nadu

india News

In Bihar, a YouTuber who had been sharing fake videos of attacks on migrants in Tamil Nadu has surrendered to the authorities. The man had been identified as a resident of Siwan district in Bihar and had been absconding for several days before turning himself in.According to reports, the man had been sharing videos on social media that claimed to show attacks on

migrants in Tamil Nadu. These videos had been widely shared on WhatsApp and other social media platforms, leading to widespread panic among migrant workers in the state.However, investigations by the Tamil Nadu police revealed that the videos were fake and had been created with the intention of creating fear and panic among migrant workers. The police subsequently launched a hunt for the man

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responsible for creating and sharing the videos.After several days of evading the authorities, the YouTuber finally surrendered to the police. He has been booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act for creating and sharing fake news.The incident has once again highlighted the dangers of fake news and its potential to incite violence and cause social unrest.

It has also underscored the need for social media platforms to take stricter measures to curb the spread of fake news.The surrender of the YouTuber who shared fake videos of attacks on migrants in Tamil Nadu is a positive development in the fight against fake news. It serves as a reminder that those who spread misinformation will be held accountable for their actions.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan