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BJP puts pressure on Rahul Gandhi for UK speech: Will he apologize?

india News

The BJP has intensified its efforts to hold Rahul Gandhi, the Congress party leader, accountable for his speech in the United Kingdom. The party is demanding an apology from Gandhi for his statements regarding the abrogation of Article 370 and the situation in Jammu and Kashmir.Addressing an event at the London School of Economics on Friday, Gandhi had criticized the government's move to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of creating "problems" in the state.In response, the BJP has

accused Gandhi of "spreading lies" and "betraying" the country's interests. The party has also demanded that the Congress leader apologize for his remarks.On one hand, they talk about 'azadi' (freedom) for the state, and on the other hand, they criticize the government's efforts to bring development and peace to the region," said BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra.Meanwhile, the Congress has hit back at the BJP's criticism, accusing the ruling party of trying to distract the public from more pressing issues.The people of India are not fooled by these

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tactics," said Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala.The Congress has also defended Gandhi's comments, saying that he was expressing his opinion on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, which has been under a security lockdown since August 2019."Rahul Gandhi has every right to express his opinion on the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. The BJP cannot silence him or anyone else who disagrees with their policies," said Surjewala.The controversy comes amid heightened tensions between the BJP and the Congress, as the two parties gear up for crucial state elections

in 2023. The BJP has been targeting the Congress over its alleged role in corruption scandals, while the Congress has accused the BJP of trying to stifle dissent and silence its critics.In recent months, several opposition leaders, including Gandhi, have faced criticism from the ruling party for their comments on various issues, including the farmers' protests and the new farm laws.As the political temperature continues to rise, it remains to be seen whether Gandhi will apologize for his comments or whether the Congress will escalate the matter further.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan