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Latest Covid 19 Update: India's Active Tally Falls Below 60,000 with 9,355 New Cases

health & fitness News

New Delhi (Covid-19 Latest Update): India continues to show a decline in new Covid-19 cases, as the country recorded 9,355 new infections on Thursday. The active case tally has also decreased to 57,410 from the previous count of 61,013, as reported by the Union Health Ministry.

However, the death toll has increased to 5,31,424 with 26 new deaths added to

the tally. The daily positivity rate has been recorded at 5.38 percent, while the weekly positivity rate is at 5.61 percent. The total Covid-19 case tally in India has reached 4.49 crore.

The ministry also shared that the active cases now comprise only 0.13 percent of the total infections, indicating a significant decrease in the spread of the virus. Meanwhile,

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national Covid-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 98.69 percent, showcasing a promising trend in the country's fight against the pandemic.

Additionally, over 44.33 million people have recovered from the virus in India, while the case fatality rate has been recorded at 1.18 percent. The health ministry's website revealed that India has administered more than 220.66 crore doses of Covid-19

so far, as part of the nationwide vaccination drive.

It is important for the public to continue following Covid-19 safety protocols, such as wearing masks, maintaining social distancing, and getting vaccinated, to prevent the spread of the virus. As the country continues to battle the pandemic, staying informed about the latest updates and guidelines is crucial for everyone's safety and well-being.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan