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Sebi returns draft papers of 6 cos seeking IPO clearance

business News

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has taken a stricter approach in the clearance of initial public offerings (IPOs), returning draft papers of six companies. This move is aimed at ensuring better compliance with the regulations and protecting investors' interests.SEBI's decision to return the draft papers of the six companies has sent a strong message to all market participants that the regulator will not compromise on the quality of disclosures in IPO prospectuses. The companies whose draft papers were returned have been asked to provide more clarity and disclosures in their documents before re-submitting them.SEBI's move comes at a time when there has been a surge in IPO activity in India. Last year, Indian companies raised a record $22 billion

through IPOs, and the trend is expected to continue this year. However, this surge in activity has also raised concerns about the quality of disclosures in prospectuses.SEBI's stricter approach to IPO clearance is expected to improve the quality of disclosures in prospectuses and prevent fraudulent practices. It will also ensure that investors are better informed about the risks and potential returns of investing in IPOs.The six companies whose draft papers were returned by SEBI will have to provide more clarity and disclosures in their documents before re-submitting them. This will delay their IPO plans and may also increase their costs, as they will have to pay fees to the lead managers and other intermediaries for re-filing the documents.However, this delay and additional

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may be beneficial in the long run, as it will help the companies avoid legal and regulatory issues later. By providing better disclosures, the companies can also attract more investors who are looking for transparency and better risk management.For investors, SEBI's stricter approach to IPO clearance is a positive development. It will help them make more informed investment decisions and avoid investing in companies that have weak fundamentals or hidden risks. This, in turn, will improve the overall health of the capital markets and boost investor confidence.SEBI's stricter approach to IPO clearance is expected to continue in the future. The regulator has already announced several measures to improve the quality of disclosures in prospectuses, including the introduction of red herring prospectuses and

stricter guidelines for lead managers.SEBI is also planning to introduce a risk-based approach to IPO clearance, which will require companies with higher risks to provide more disclosures and undergo stricter scrutiny. This will ensure that companies with weak fundamentals or hidden risks are not allowed to enter the capital markets and damage investor confidence.SEBI's stricter approach to IPO clearance is a positive development for both companies and investors. It will help improve the quality of disclosures in prospectuses, prevent fraudulent practices, and boost investor confidence. While it may cause some delay and additional costs for companies, it will be beneficial in the long run. Going forward, SEBI is expected to introduce more measures to ensure the integrity and transparency of the capital markets.


P. Saharan is a Writer at The Speed Express and has been covering the latest news. He covers a wide variety of news from early and late stage.

P. Saharan